Program Management That Mitigates Risk

Program management is a skill that brings a huge benefit to your success. We have spent the time to develop a vision, strategy, and methods to achieve your program goals.

Phillips-Medisize program managers lead and align the internal team, work with customers on expectations and commitments, align customer deliverables through the different stakeholders, and drive the program's outcomes as a fully accountable leader responsible for the result.

At Phillips-Medisize, program managers are typically assigned to programs at the point of entry. The program managers are responsible for carrying the program to final validation and production, keeping a strong eye on the manufacturing outcomes from the beginning of their assignment through the transition into manufacturing.

Program managers coordinate, communicate, and lead project teams, utilizing standard project management processes to successfully develop and transition programs from design through commercialization.

Phillips-Medisize takes pride in offering customers reliable program management resources and processes. The proper planning helps to clarify roles, streamline operations and inputs, anticipate risks, and create checks and balances to ensure the project is continually aligned with the strategy.

Program Management Matters

  • Creates strategic alignment to ensure that what is being delivered is correct and will enable us to create the greatest value
  • Provides leadership and vision to motivate team members but also ensures clear lines of accountability
  • Ensures that a project has the time and resources to deliver and that the output is quality tested at every stage
  • Mitigates risk to monitor and control their impacts to complex projects

The goal in manufacturing and project management is to improve continuously. It’s essential to improve production processes, products, and tool utilization.